Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Revision: Camerawork (shots, angles, movements)

Today im going to writte about what I had learn last year from theorical camerawork. 
Normally not everyone knows how many shots, movements or angles can be done with a camera.
Camerawork is used to represent characters in a vaeriety of ways and is divided in shots, angles and movements.

Camera shots
Encourages the audience to identify with the character and at the same time it shows emotions, reactions, set locations..

Establishing shot and long shot

Shows the location the scene is taking place.

Master shot
Shows where characters/object is positioned in a scene.

Aereal shot
Is a shot filmed from the air.

Close up

These shot magnifies the object and shows the importance of things, normally is use express emotions or reactions.

The background is minimal and normally is used for dialogue scenes or to show a some detail of the action.

Wide shot 
Is showing a view of the scene.

Point of view
Show a perspective of a character.

Camera angles

They are use to show dominance or inferiority.

High angle
Is use to show dominance of a character and is when the camera looks down someone.

Low angle
Is use to show inferiority of someone and is when the camera looks up a character.

Canted angle
Is when the camera is slanted angle.

Camera movements
Suggest the character is fast paced and energetic, or chaotic, anxioust...

When the camera moves side to side taking details.

Is the camera moves up and down so it focus on the characters.

The camera following a person or object.

The camera moves up or down on a crane.

Steadicam Is the camera strapped to camera operator's body creates a gilding effect.


Zoom is use for emphasis.
Zoom the camera zooms in or out.
Reverse-zoom is when the lenses zooms in or out whilst the camera moves in the opposite direction, creates the impression that the background is constantly moving.

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